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EPD 1.0 specs

a new encapsulated vectorial graphic format

File Structure

Every line started with % is a Comment Line.
The first line of a EPD file specifies the version number of the EPD.
e.g. %EDP-1.0

Every line is one unique command.

The command
%BBox(x1,y1,x2,y2) specifies the Bounding Box of the embedded object
the width is x2-x1
the height is y2-y1

Like PDF (Adobe TradeMark), "the origin is located at the lower-left corner of the output page or display window, with the positive x axis extending horizontally to the right and the positive y axis extending vertically upward, as in standard mathematical practice. The length of a unit along both the x and y axes is 172 inch." (The PDF Reference Manual Version 1.3 second edition page 124 Graphics/User Space): the origin (0,0) is the low left corner.

Now you can use to construct an EPD every command describes in The PDF Reference Manual Version 1.3 second edition in the paragraphs 4.3, 4.4. (Remember to use %BBox command before every PDF graphic command!)

e.g. this is the first part of the john.epd example:

  % This is only a test with the new EPD format
  0 g
  1 i
  33.92 59.8 m
  34.574 59.683 l
  35.274 59.351 l
  35.857 58.924 l
  36.16 58.52 l
  36.18 57.595 l
  36.213 57.077 l
It's very simple with EPD create an archive of graphical objects. We're developing a simple application to use an EPD: epd2svg The official W3C overview of the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format is at
If you need a SVG browser viewer

We hope many applications will support EPD, to create EPD objects and to include EPD objects in other formats.

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