Welcome to the home of "pstoepd"!
2. The current development state of "pstoepd".
Do not expect "pstoepd" to be perfect. It is a solution to get EPD files
from postscript files. It may work for your ideas, or your ideas need some
different way to produce postscript files to realize it. We have developed
"pstoepd" to open a door for an easy to use vector oriented file format.
Please contact us (eg. me at helmar@vhwks.de or Fabrizio at
sanface@sanface.com), if you have an idea to improve the program or the
3. Where can I get "pstoepd"?
You can download most recent version at http://sourceforge.net/projects/epd
4. How to install "pstoepd".
It is easy for Linux or similar OS: get the pstoepd.tgz from Sourceforge
(http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/epd). Unpack it into it's own directory
and start "make all; make test". You will need GNU-Ghostscript (versions
5.10 and 5.50 "Thanks to Eric" are tested) and gawk (as far as I know:
any version you can download).
For other OS: You need an ANSI-C-compiler and the files from pstoepd.tgz.
Try to compile "minips.c" (it may be possible, that you have to simulate
something like "strcmp" or that you have to adapt the line endings). The
resulting executable is needed for the scripts of "pstoepd". Get the script
"pstoepd" to work for your OS. You will need GNU-Ghostscript and some kind
of awk - and probably many other things to do so. Please send us your
solution if you know we do not have a similar one.
5. Which kind of "Postscript" is supported by "pstoepd"?
Drawings. Convert all font related things to curves and do not use any
bitmaps or gradients. Do not use clipping paths for the current version -
and it may work.
6. How to use "pstoepd"?
Inside the directory "pstoepd" is located: Type "pstoepd" and
on your shell and you will get information about how to use it.
© 2000 by Helmar Wodtke